Olympic games 2024


Who has been motivated, captivated and inspired by the Olympic Games recently?

Does it make you want to take up a new sport or go back to a sport you used to do?

I for sure have been captivated by the camaraderie and togetherness of the athletes.

I know I haven’t done enough activity lately but seeing all the sport on TV has made me want to do more.

If you decide to take up a new sport or go back to one that you haven’t done in a while there are some key things to remember;

1 - Warm up properly, increase the blood supply to your muscles and joints before hand, this can help reduce injury.

2 - Go to an organised club, get taught the proper techniques. Don’t rush back to the same level you were at before, you need to build your body back up gradually - this helps to prevent injuries.

3 - Don’t do too much too fast, gradually increase your efforts and you will see the rewards.

4 - Cool down, this is as important if not more so than warming up, take care of your body and it will take care of you.

5 - Rest, that’s right, rest days are as important as active days, this allows your body to recover from the activity.

If you feel that you have some unwanted twinges or tension in areas that is stopping you exercise: come and see us at Active Chiro, We can help you move and feel better.

Book in for a complementary telephone free screen to discuss your needs and one of our knowledgeable chiropractors will give you their advice and we will work together to get you moving and feeling better.

Written by Dr Kerrie Fleming


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