Marc hits the high peaks and climbs Kilimanjaro


Marc wrote about this experience climibing Kilimanjaro, what a totally honest and inspiring account.

"As many of you are no doubt aware, I've been helping to raise money for the Sheffield Children's Hospital Charity over the past 9 months by asking many of you to sponsor my friends and I as we attempt to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, the highest point in Africa.

I can honestly say that it has been the experience of a lifetime and a world away from what I privately expected it to be like. I have never felt so cold and as exhausted as I did on the morning that we summited.

The mental aspect to completing the climb was something that I grossly underestimated and gained a great deal of respect for - especially when looking around and seeing others that might usually be (incorrectly) assumed as being less physically capable than perhaps I am, pushing onward and showing what people of all shapes, sizes and genders are capable of.

I'd like to say thank you to each and every one of you that has supported and sponsored this event. Please know that it is greatly appreciated and it was hard earned.

We self funded the trip which means that 100% of your money goes to the Charity and having met and climbed with some of those whose families have had need and use of the services at the Children's hospital in the past and present, it really is worthwhile supporting and protecting for the future.

Thank you again,
